Lvie Group Sessions

Navigate Life's Path:
Receive Personalized Guidance from a Gifted Channeler in a Live Group Setting

Personal, practical Guidance

Powerful messages & insights

Connection to
Pre-birth life plan

connect to an endless, ancient source of wisdom with a master channeler

Be a part of the group consultation experience on your spiritual journey, and become the best version of yourself.
Get answers about your life direction, challenges & obstacles, and maximize your potential.

transform. evolve. thrive.

Live Group Intuitive Consultations

Live Group Sessions

Per Person

  • Ask personal questions in a small group setting
  • Bring any issues & subjects
  • Answers from enlightened beings

*All prices are in USD but will automatically convert to your home currency

What's in it for you

Amir Cooper's Intuitive Sessions with Orel: Unlocking Your Soul Plan

Amir Cooper’s Group Intuitive Sessions offer a unique experience that combines his life experiences, messages from other beings, and direct channeling from the enlightened entity Orel.

Connecting as a vessel for Orel, Amir provides deep insights and guidance, helping participants uncover their soul plan, find direction, and achieve contentment in their lives.

Orel’s mission is to guide groups towards fulfilling their soul’s purpose, and with Amir’s guidance, participants gain a deeper understanding of their past, present, and future, along with the tools and wisdom to transform their lives.

Experience the Sacred Pre-Birth Life Plan Library: One remarkable aspect of Amir’s ability to connect with the soul plan is accessing the protected sacred library. This exclusive library, distinct from the familiar Akashic records, provides Orel with detailed information, leading to more specific, personalized guidance and direction for the group.

Pre-Birth Life Plan Guidance: Orel’s expertise lies in offering directions based on individuals’ pre-birth life plans, written before they were born on this planet. These insights provide clarity on why individuals are here and how they can make a significant impact.

Connect with Loved Ones: Depending on the participants’ past, people from their lives, including loved ones who have passed, may offer messages, comfort, or transformative insights.

Questions Answered: Group sessions with Orel cover various aspects of life, including life direction, career, relationships, family, marriage, dating, work, and personal goals. Orel’s focus is to guide individuals to their utmost potential, and all answers are geared towards that end.

Transform Your Life: With the combined guidance of Amir and Orel, group participants can transform their lives by accessing their soul plan, gaining clarity and direction, and unlocking their full potential together.

Discover Your Life Purpose

Uncover your unique life path and learn how to align your choices with your soul's purpose, leading to a more fulfilling and satisfying life

Achieve Personal and Professional Success

Get clarity on your goals and aspirations, and receive guidance on how to achieve them. Break through obstacles that have been holding you back, and step into your power to create the life you desire

Find Inner Peace and Balance

Release stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions that have been weighing you down. Learn how to connect with your inner self, cultivate self-love and acceptance, and create a more harmonious and balanced life

Awaken Your Focus, Recharge Your Energy, and Align with Higher Purpose and Direction

Transform Your Life

Receive powerful insights and guidance that will help you create lasting change in all areas of your life. Break free from old patterns and limiting beliefs, and step into a more empowered, joyful, and abundant life

Improve Relationships

Receive insights and guidance on how to improve your relationships with family, friends, and romantic partners. Learn how to communicate more effectively, set healthy boundaries, and attract positive and supportive relationships

Boost Creativity and Innovation

Tap into your natural creativity and find new ways to approach challenges and solve problems. Learn how to trust your intuition and access the wisdom and guidance that is available to you

Enhance Intuition and Spiritual Connection

Develop your intuitive abilities and connect with your higher self, spirit guides, and other spiritual helpers. Learn how to trust your intuition and make decisions that align with your soul's path

Don't waste another day longer without these valuable knowledge and tools.

Book your spot now.

Call and ask any question!